Monday, 11 May 2009

Plectrum, Exhebition version

New art
parallax scrolling
ease yer
spit and pollish

Play it here

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

using anxbox 360 pad on a mac


Joypad to keyboard button linker

CV Research

A couple of sites I visited while researching CVs I did visit more but I cant post everything I do.

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Imogen Heap Level

Now with added death!

Friday, 1 May 2009

See the latest version of the game

To see the latest fully updated version of plectrum visit

GDC Vault

I recomend that everyone goes to and checks out all the free recordings from the game developers confrence espeshialy The game design challege this years theme is "my first time" the participants must design a game based on there experience losing there virginity.


Another site I frequent for a more videogame centric focused talks and writings is the igda the inernational game design assosiation They sometimes post videos of talks that have taken place. including this one about the different generations of game developers and speculates on what my generation (Generation Y) is all about.

a few of my faverate things

I love good talks/lectures, we haven't really had that many people come into university to talk to us but here A couple of sites that have great talks that inspire me and often distract me from practical work.



They even have talks about games and interactive media

Another site that deals in presentations often critequeing ones from the above sites is