Friday, 18 December 2009

CV added to contact page

You can now download my CV from the contact page at

Thursday, 17 December 2009

How many e-mail adresses do you need?

Six, that's how many I need. This is the method i'm using to keep my inbox sorted and spam free.

A) personal address which includes my real name for trusted people, family, banks etc.

B) Three addresses using my mediajack domain, one for professional contacts such as job applications and freelance contact.
a second address for my business card,
and a third to display on the website.
The third one will likely get picked up by spambots and get a bunch of unwanted messages sent to it, but by having the other addresses I can easily get to work related mail.

C) A social address linked to my MSN Live account, this is the address I would use to sign up for facebook and twitter and get all my social updates in one place.

D) A spam G-mail address using a made up name, I use this account for whenever you have to put a legitimate email address on a sign up form. This is where all the spam newsletters from all the sites I've percussed things from end up.

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Linked in, After Effects, Drawing, Coke Ad.

I Now have a linked in profile, you can find me at


I've been checking out the After Effects training on
I made a hoodie turn from blue to red, brilliant!


Drawing of the day

If captain hook, Pac man, a dinosaur and a monk had a kid, it might look something like this.

Coke ad added to site
You know those annoying video advertising boards you see at the sides of football pitches that are really distracting and annoying? I made one of those.
