Thursday, 16 October 2008

I found these threds on Rllmuk forum about the idea of games based on music albums.

An interesting Post by Talk Show Host

Radiohead's Kid A.

It would be a platformer in a world that is being destroyed as you play. Pastel colours, 2D scrolling with puzzles and action elements.

There would be a level where you have to construct a jigsaw ("Everything in its Right Place"), an escort a la Lemmings level ("Kid A"), an escape the destruction level ("The National Anthem"), an invisible level where your actions make it reappear slowly ("How to disappear completely), a level where you must plant trees to restore nature balance ("Treefingers"), a level where you have to escape Dinosaurs ("Optimistic"), a chill out level ("In Limbo"), a chaotic level where you shoot political figures that are destroying our world ("Idioteque"), a level where you must take care of small children and help them to live a productive life ("Morning Bell") and finally another chill out level with a maze where you are trying to find your way amongst the stars ("Motion Picture Soundtrack").

It would be an astonishing game. wub.gif

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