Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Space Giraffe

Space Giraffe has some interactive audio, at 4:15 on this video you will see the bonus round, in which the player must collect flowers with "hoovers" eachof the flowers you collect makes a sound and they play out a little tune its all very relaxing untill Barney Gumble starts burping, I'd expect nothing less form Jeff Minter, creator of Revenge of the mutant camels.

in one of his talks Jon Blow of braid fame criticised the games graphics saying they got in the way of the gameplay, in respnse the PC version has the option of having toned down back grounds (see video below)

<a href="http://video.msn.com/?mkt=en-GB&playlist=videoByUuids:uuids:6d367097-c280-43db-844b-9e092626c3e2&showPlaylist=true&from=msnvideo" target="_new" title="Space Giraffe - level 22(NUXX remix)">Video: Space Giraffe - level 22(NUXX remix)</a>

Jeff Minter did a talk about his games and being an independent game developer at google here's the video

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