The game starts off with a dragons lair style quick time event section. a key flashes up on screen and you have to press it before it vanishes. It disappears a little to quickly for my liking, also I think it would flow better if they were the same keys every time you do it instead of random ones. Another thing that annoyed me is that when you die you have to click a button to retry,and you die pretty regularly so your constantly swapping between mouse and keyboard, why not just use the keyboard? after the QTEs the game turns into a platformer the hero and most of the foreground is silhouetted against colourfull backgrounds, I like the look of it. The character has many skills he can wall jump, grind on rails and hang onto things moving from the celing, there are also combat buttons to fight the enemy's but i feel this is the weakest part of the game. Another annoyance is that when you die it instantly goes to the "retry" screen, no death animation no few second delay its instant so you don't always know why you died. What the game lacks in these areas it makes up in momentum, the character increases in speed as he runs and you can get up to a pretty high speed. it would have been god to have some more open areas that you could run around in and build up more speed. Also more than half a second warning would be good when death traps suddenly appear

lots of ability's
speed and momentum
"retry screen"
level design could be improved
Rating: ***
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